-A Designer. Problem Solver.

Let's bring your vision to life.

I help you build brand for your business at an affordable price. I work with awesome clients from USA and Europe. In my work, I always try to under-promise and over-deliver. I respect client’s deadlines and provide steady communications, with fast turnaround.

About Me

👋 Hi, I am Naz, a UI/UX Designer with 6+ years of experience.

My goal is to build meaningful and functional products that really work. With extensive skills in web and mobile design, I create unique and engaging user interfaces.

My work ranges from strategic planning and concept building, to creating a strong visual design from scratch. I have a strong eye for detail and put much thought into every pixel. Creating designs is what I love and what I do passionately.

I create:

- Websites & landing pages design

- Mobile apps design (iOS/Android)

- Prototypes and high fidelity designs

** Extensive skills in Photoshop, XD, Invision, Zeplin and Figma help me run design sprints effectively.**

I work with awesome clients from USA and Europe. In my work, I always try to under-promise and over-deliver. I respect client’s deadlines and provide steady communications, with fast turnaround.

Feel free to contact me at any query. I look forward to working with you!


I uncover problems and solve them. In short, I create bolder online experiences.

Concept Creation

I must know your customers and based on their needs/pains I'll determine goals and strategies based on that research to deliver the best experience.

Sketch Drawing

This stage is for selecting and testing the design styles of the future project. At this stage, we select 2-3 main screens of wireframes and deliver 1-2 variants of design styles that include color scheme, shapes, icons, fonts, etc

Final Design

I'll pass the work files to the development team. I'll export design files to Zeplin ‒ a collaboration tool for UI designers and front-end developers. In addition, I'll create a Style Guide for the project and prepare all images.


Never compromise with quality

Brand Identity

Each business requires a professional logo to effectively convey their services and create an everlasting presence.

Mobile App Design

Using iOS, Android and an expert vision, I’ll take your application to the next level.

UI/UX Design

I can create designs that are functional and visually engaging. I make sure that the designs are aligned seamlessly with iOS, Android, or Google guidelines.

Website Design

This is where problem solving meets visual impact. I’ll unite products and users, design and experiences.


Usability testing is essential to ensure your digital product makes sense to users and works as it should. Usually i used Figma, Adobe XD & Indesign for prototype .

Social Media Marketing

I offer a wide variety of marketing and SEO services tailored to your online business to increase its website traffic.


Trusted By some of the world's biggest brands.

We help small businesses around the world with amazing products that solve their business and web problems.

Globally Rated

#Lead UI /UX Designer


Nov -2019 - Ongoing

W3Engineers Ltd.

(April 2018 - Nov 2019)

MARS Solutions Ltd.

(Jan 2015 - Nov 2018)


Great ideas aren’t industry specific. I work with clients of all scopes and sectors to create better experiences through design. Whether an adventurous startup or established global presence, the same level of detail and quality is delivered.

I Love create unique logo and brand identity

I have successfully designed multiple logos with Style Guidelines for different brands around the world.

Passioniate to Design Unique and Modern Mobile App for iOS & Android

A cross-functional system built with the assumption that the right component is the one that solves the problem best, not one that’s best for the system.

A website widget that’s actually helpful.

If you're looking for top-quality work, look no further. Hire me now and let's get started on your next project.



Ready to get started?

I’m interested in freelance opportunities – especially ambitious or large projects. However, if you have other request or question, don’t hesitate to Contact me.

What's App NO : +880-165023413

Skype : nazma5657_1

Email : naz.uidesigner@gmail.com

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